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Neuroconnexion and other scientific event

Neuroconnexion and other scientific events


November 19 2024

Come and present your SFN (or other recent) poster and discuss science with all members of the SNC!

An event organized by Matthieu Vanni, Ravi Rungta, Andrea Green and Louis-Eric Trudeau.

Tuesday November 19 2024, Agora Jean-Coutu

There will be a total of 46 posters presented. Eight prizes will be attributed to the best presentations.


May 28 2024

Do you need custom parts for some of your research projects?

Do you find that certain suppliers sell you simple components at helium-inflated prices?

Would you like to learn how to use a 3D printer?

Come take part in our Neurofab 2024 workshop. This workshop is inspired by the successes of OptoFab: https://opto.umontreal.ca/vie-communautaire/initiatives-etudiantes/#optofab

RSVP, register here: https://forms.gle/1c4R2k1jWde3yLVF7

Facilitators: Maxime Bleau (Ptito lab) and Ismaël Djerourrou (Vanni lab). Also with the participation of Alex Tchung (Trudeau lab)


NEUROCONNEXION November 28 2023

Come and present your SFN (or other recent) poster and discuss science with all members of the SNC!

An event organized by Matthieu Vanni, Ravi Rungta, Andrea Green and Louis-Eric Trudeau.

Thursday November 28 2023, Agora Jean-Coutu

Registration is required, but free. Clic here.

NEUROCONNEXION November 24 2022

Come and present your SFN (or other recent) poster and discuss science with all members of the SNC!

An event organized by Matthieu Vanni, Ravi Rungta, Andrea Green and Louis-Eric Trudeau.

Thursday November 24 2022, Agora Jean-Coutu

Congrats to our best poster prize winners of the 2022 Neuroconnexion event. And thanks to our sponsor (Labeotech) and partner (CIRCA)!

Winners: Darren Clarke, Justine Fortin-Houde, Benjamin Le Gac, Jessica Youwakim, Émilie Legault, Laurianne Zana . Also in the picture: Arlette Kolta, Matthieu Vanni, Maxime Abran, Ravi Rungta et Louis-Eric Trudeau.


April 13 2021

The future of scientific publishing. Has time come for a new model?

The program:
16h00: Opening words by Louis-Eric Trudeau, SNC director and by Vincent Larivière, professor at UdeM et Canada research chair on the transformation of scholarly communication.
16:15 to 17h05: Pre-recorded conference by eLIFE editor-in-chief, Michael Eisen.

17h05 to 17h25: Presentation by Dr Jessica Polka, executive director of ASAPBio.

17h25 to 18h15: Discussion period, in the presence of Dr Ekat Kritikou, vice-dean for research and development, Faculty of Medicine, Université de Montréal


International symposia of the GRSNC

For over 20 years, the GRSNC, the precursor of the SNC, organized international symposia in the field of neuroscience on the campus of the Université de Montréal.

Since 2019, this series has been transfered to the department of neurosciences.

List of symposia since 1997:

2018: Le contrôle locomoteur sous toutes ses facettes ‐ Hommage à Serge Rossignol

2017: Démence et cognition: la perspective vasculaire

2016: La neuroscience de la prise de décision

2015: Neurobiologie de l'épilepsie; des gènes aux réseaux

2014: Réadaptation sensorimotrice: à la croisée des sciences fondamentales et cliniques

2013: Drogues d'abus et troubles psychiatriques

2012: La neurobiologie du vieillissement et de la maladie d'Alzheimer: un même chemin?

2011: Neurobiologie de la dépression: réexamen de l'hypothèse sérotoninergique

2010: Accroître la performance pour l'action & la perception -
Intégration multisensorielle, neuroplasticité & neuroprothèses

2009: Respiration, locomotion et mastication - Bases neuronales

2008: Neurobiologie et génétique des maladies du développement du cerveau

2007: L'essence de la mémoire

2006: Neuroscience Computationnelle: Neurones et théories, un aller-retour

2005:  Interactions neurones-glie

2004: Neuroimagerie fonctionnelle: méthodes et applications cliniques

2003: Neurobiologie des troubles mentaux sévères: de la cellule à l'humain

2002: L'acétylcholine dans le cortex cérébral

2001: Traumatismes de la moelle épinière:
Réparation neurale et récupération fonctionnelle

2000: Vision: des neurones à la cognition

1999:  The future of neurosciences at the Université de Montréal

1998: La synapse chimique: mécanismes de transmission et modulation

1997: La conscience: aux frontières des neurosciences